NE4OSW Applauds Next Steps in New England States’ Collaborative Transmission Initiative

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 30, 2023 
Jennifer Delony, New England for Offshore Wind, 603.320.7043

NE4OSW Applauds Next Steps in New England States’ Collaborative Transmission Initiative 

BOSTON – January 30, 2023 – New England for Offshore Wind (@NE4OSW) today applauded the New England States’ announcement that they are seeking U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) support for coordinated, innovative electricity transmission proposals to grow the region’s clean, reliable, and affordable energy supply. 

“Acadia Center is proud and heartened to see this announcement. New England is strongest when it works together, and this transmission opportunity is an important step toward a reliable, modern, and diverse energy system,” said Kyle Murray, Senior Advocate and Massachusetts Program Director at Acadia Center, a coalition member. 

“As Maine State Lead for New England for Offshore Wind, Maine Conservation Voters is encouraged by this innovative regional approach to transmission infrastructure. By working collaboratively with New England states, the Maine Governor’s Energy Office is leading the way towards a grid that will distribute renewable offshore wind resources and their economic benefits throughout the region in a responsible and equitable way, while continuing our progress in addressing climate change,” said Kelt Wilska, Energy Justice Manager at MCV, a coalition member. 

“New England for Offshore Wind is thrilled to see all the New England states collaborating on proposals for federal funding that could foster critical transmission infrastructure investment. Their efforts could ensure the region has the infrastructure needed to deliver offshore wind in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way, while supporting family-sustaining jobs and an equitable economic future with minimal impacts to communities,” said Susannah Hatch, New England for Offshore Wind Regional Lead. 

The states’ proposed Joint State Innovation Partnership for Offshore Wind is in line with the recent report from The Brattle Group that makes an urgent call for collaborative, regional offshore wind transmission planning and deployment that could save billions in transmission-related costs, significantly reduce effects on marine habitats and wildlife, avoid interconnection delays, reduce onshore impacts to communities, and spur investment in the local clean energy economy. 

“We are hopeful that the concept papers include proposals for networked offshore transmission solutions and that DOE will see the incredible value of the New England states’ proposals and invite them to submit full applications in May for funding,” Hatch said. “In keeping with our Transmission Principles for siting and development of all transmission infrastructure, the coalition continues to ask the New England States to prioritize robust processes for stakeholder engagement, to ensure environmental justice, benefits to impacted communities, and ultimately successful siting and development.” 


In November 2022, New England for Offshore Wind submitted comments for a Request for Information issued by the New England States for the Regional Energy Transmission Infrastructure Initiative 

The coalition urged the states to jointly move forward with plans for a networked offshore grid to save money, avoid unnecessary impacts, and improve the reliability and resilience of the electric grid while unlocking the region’s full potential for wind power. The coalition further urged the states to make transparency and community engagement a central feature of all grid planning, including the next steps to develop a networked offshore grid. 

About New England for Offshore Wind 

New England for Offshore Wind ( is a broad-based coalition of businesses and associations, environmental and justice organizations, academic institutions, and labor unions committed to combatting climate change by increasing the supply of clean energy to our regional grid through more procurements of responsibly developed offshore wind. We believe that responsibly developed offshore wind is the single biggest lever we can pull to address the climate crisis while also strengthening our regional economy, protecting ratepayers, creating high quality jobs, and improving public health by reducing pollution. 
