NE4OSW Celebrates Vineyard Wind Construction Progress

HYANNIS, Mass. – August 2, 2023 – New England for Offshore Wind, together with the Environmental League of Massachusetts, co-hosted a visit to the construction site of the Vineyard Wind project with representatives of the project’s co-developer, Avangrid.
About 100 people from around New England boarded the Capt. John & Son II in Hyannis, Mass., and traveled to the construction site 15 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard. Once there, passengers could see a vessel that lays undersea cables for the project, a newly installed offshore substation – the first of its kind in US waters – and a handful of transition pieces affixed to their foundations and awaiting placement of their towers and nacelles.
Avangrid says that first commercial power delivery from the project will begin in October, with full project commissioning of the 800-MW project set for mid-2024.
One takeaway from the boat ride to see construction of Vineyard Wind 1, the first major offshore wind farm in the country, is that determination and follow-through are the name of the game. We’re gaining ground and making genuine progress.
— Senator Mike Barrett (@senatorbarrett) August 8, 2023
Had a great time yesterday touring @Avangrid’s @VineyardWindUS 1 site with @EnviroLeagueMA & @NE4OSW. The 806MW from this project will soon provide clean power to more than 400k homes!
— Amanda Barker (@AmandaBarker22) August 3, 2023
Yesterday was a great day to be on a boat! Alongside @Avangrid and @EnviroLeagueMA we were able to see @VineyardOFSHR 1’s construction on their substation and monopiles. Amazing progress on #offshorewind
— New England for Offshore Wind (@NE4OSW) August 3, 2023
Yesterday, the TUE Joint Committee, along with House and Senate colleagues, attended a vessel tour of the Vineyard Wind 1 project off of Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod. @VoteSteveOwens @jennyarmini
— Joan Meschino (@JoanMeschino) August 3, 2023
Our nation’s 1st commercial-scale #offshorewind project is going in! 15 miles off the coast of MA, Vineyard Wind 1 will generate clean, renewable energy for over 400k homes and businesses across the Commonwealth, while reducing carbon emissions by over 1.6 million tons per year.
— Dominick Pangallo (@dspangallo) August 2, 2023
Today, Network staff saw the progress being made on @VineyardWindUS’s Vineyard Wind 1. So much has been done in just two months, and we are excited for the project to complete installation and produce power. Thanks to @Avangrid, @EnviroLeagueMA, and @NE4OSW for hosting the trip!
— Business Network for Offshore Wind (@offshorewindus) August 2, 2023
It is an honor to be hosting a tour of the @VineyardWindUS 1 site alongside @Avangrid & @NE4OSW. On this beautiful sunny day, we saw progress on Massachusetts’ first #OffshoreWind site, which will bring 806MW of electricity & power 400k+ homes.
— Environmental League of Massachusetts (@EnviroLeagueMA) August 2, 2023
In the News

Kelt Wilska, Energy Justice Manager, Maine Conservation Voter, Maine State Lead for New England for Offshore Wind
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