NE4OSW Supports Offshore Wind Role in Regional Forward Clean Energy Market

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 17, 2023 
Jennifer Delony, New England for Offshore Wind, 603.320.7043

NE4OSW Supports Offshore Wind Role in Regional Forward Clean Energy Market  

BOSTON – February 17, 2023 – New England for Offshore Wind (@NE4OSW) filed comments today in response to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources’ (DOER) New England Forward Clean Energy Market (FCEM) design proposal. 

The coalition appreciates DOER’s leadership on the proposed design of a centralized market where bidders can purchase clean energy products throughout New England,” said Larry Chretien, Executive Director of Green Energy Consumers Alliance, a coalition member. “We support a goal of collaborating regionally on a long-term market design that appropriately values clean energy resources, aligns with states’ climate and clean energy targets and supports the development of offshore wind power.” 

In their comments, the coalition urged the states to ensure that benefits associated with offshore wind procurements, such as environmental justice, labor standards, and wildlife and environmental protection, are realized in the FCEM design. They further urged the states to define the processes they would use to determine their preferred resource mix and encouraged transparency in the states’ plans and timelines to ensure market certainty for the clean energy industry. 

The coalition filed their comments in response to DOER’s request for stakeholder input on the proposed FCEM design, which the department released in January with the goal of creating a regional market that would help control the costs associated with meeting states’ clean energy goals, while ensuring just and reasonable revenues for developers. 

About New England for Offshore Wind 

New England for Offshore Wind ( is a broad-based coalition of businesses and associations, environmental and justice organizations, academic institutions, and labor unions committed to combatting climate change by increasing the supply of clean energy to our regional grid through more procurements of responsibly developed offshore wind. We believe that responsibly developed offshore wind is the single biggest lever we can pull to address the climate crisis while also strengthening our regional economy, protecting ratepayers, creating high quality jobs, and improving public health by reducing pollution.