We envision a world where:
  • New England is at the forefront of offshore wind energy development in the United States, providing thousands of high-quality jobs to the region
  • The New England states are on track to meet their clean energy and climate goals
  • Clean energy outcompetes fossil fuels, greening the grid while ensuring a just transition that protects and benefits energy workers and communities, improving air quality and public health, maximizing community benefits and high-road job creation, and protecting ratepayers from unpredictable price spikes
  • New England serves as the leading example of how to equitably and responsibly achieve carbon neutrality


We are committed to a just and equitable clean energy future.

Together, we take tangible steps towards the inclusion, engagement, consultation, and investment in historically marginalized, low-income and often ethnic-minority, indigenous communities. These values serve as guidelines for how we prioritize, work with, listen to, support, partner with, and foster new relationships with environmental justice communities and organizations that represent their perspectives. These values serve as a foundation for our advocacy for equity in the offshore wind industry.

Guiding Values
  • Recognition
  • Diversity & Specificity
  • Intentionality & Engagement
  • Intersectional Opportunity


Jobs and Economic Development

Thriving renewable energy industries are vital to mitigating the dire effects of climate change and ensuring that we have a resilient and robust economy. Offshore wind has the potential to support thousands of jobs in New England and boost economic development in the region. As the industry grows, we must take steps to ensure that high-quality, family-sustaining jobs are accessible for all communities.
Read more here >

Health and Equity

Responsibly developed offshore wind has many benefits, including the potential to improve health outcomes in communities that have long borne the brunt of fossil fuel pollution. With the proper policies in place, it can also benefit these communities by increasing economic inclusion and laying the groundwork for an equitable clean energy economy.
Read more here >

Regional Collaboration

Regional collaboration is essential for New England to be able to mitigate the dire effects of the climate crisis and meet climate goals. By working together, states can develop an equitable renewable energy economy through the rapid and responsible build-out of offshore wind and other renewables. Cross-state collaboration is necessary to maximize New England’s potential as a leader in the offshore wind revolution and unlock economies of scale, accelerate development, and improve project outcomes across the six-state grid we share. Read more here >

Responsible Development

New England for Offshore Wind advocates for a clean energy future where inclusive stakeholder processes, health and equity considerations, and wildlife and environmental protection are essential components of offshore wind development. Offshore wind can be developed in a responsible way that respects our local communities, our environment, and our wildlife – and it should be. Read more here >